DYNamic and Aspect-Oriented Modeling for Integrated Component-based Architectures
DYNAMICA is a project funded by the Department of Science and Technology (Spain) under the National Program for Research. This project is composed by five subprojects that belongs to five Spanish Universities:
Plataforma OASIS para Modelos Arquitectónicos,
by ISSI - Polytechnic University of Valencia - ANCLA - Arquitecturas Dinámicas para Sistemas de
by DSIE - Polytecnic University of Cartagena - CALIPO - Calidad en Portales,
by ALARCOS - University of Castilla-La Mancha - CARATE - Controlador de Arquitectura
Reconfigurable para Aplicaciones de Teleoperación,
byISL - University of Carlos III - PRESSURE - Precise Software Models and
Requirements Reuse,
by GIS - University of Murcia
This project finished in November 2006. A Technical Report was produced in the last DYNAMICA Workshop (in spanish).